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Petersham Nurseries wins battle for evening dining after successful appeal

The garden centre restaurant near Richmond Park has struggled to come to an agreement over its dinner service for the past 18 years.


Petersham Nurseries has been granted planning permission to continue its evening dinner service, marking an end to an 18-year dispute with Richmond Council.


In April, thousands of people backed a campaign calling for the restaurant, which holds a Michelin Green star, to be allowed to continue serving food in the evening after it was served an enforcement notice by the Council in January this year.


The garden centre restaurant has run pre-booked candlelit supper clubs in its greenhouses for over a decade under temporary event licences.


Richmond Council argued Petersham Nurseries had failed to meet the conditions of its mixed-use licence because it was operating outside of the permitted hours and the restaurant area had increased in scale beyond what was previously agreed.


The restaurant team had spent 18 years working with the council to formally vary its opening hours but had until now been unsuccessful.


In an appeal decision published last week by the planning inspectorate, inspector D Hartley concluded: “The breach of planning control would not cause harm to the character and appearance of the area, including Petersham Meadows and the MOL [Metropolitan Open Land], the settings of nearby listed and locally listed buildings would be preserved, and the character and appearance of the CA [Petersham Conservation Area] would be preserved.”


Hartley added: “Subject to the imposition of new conditions, the breach of planning control would not result in the occupiers of surrounding properties suffering unacceptable harm to their living conditions.


"I am therefore satisfied that a grant of planning permission would not unacceptably interfere with the right to respect for private and family life and their home.”


Under the revised conditions, Petersham Nurseries is allowed to trade for up to three evenings a week for one pre-booked sitting. The restaurant must remain closed on Mondays, excluding bank holidays, and amplified music is banned before 10am and after 5pm.


Petersham Nurseries has also been required to remove the festoon lighting along Church Lane and provide a dedicated area for smoking and vaping.


A spokesperson for Petersham Nurseries said: “Petersham Nurseries is delighted to have won planning permission. The appeal recognised the significant positive benefits the business brings to the community.


“This news secures not only evening dining at Petersham but many jobs for our wonderful staff. We could not be happier and can’t wait to welcome our regular diners and new guests safe in the knowledge we will be here for many years to come.”


Petersham Nurseries was opened by the Boglione family in 2004 after they bought a plant nursery overlooking the River Thames.


It held a Michelin star between 2011 and 2013 under chef Skye Gyngell.


Image: Inspired by Maps/Shutterstock



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