The Gedling Inn in Nottingham introduced the promotion just 45 minutes before the match
The landlady of a Nottinghamshire pub has said she will reconsider giving pints away when Nottingham Forest score after the team’s 7-0 win at the weekend.
Beccy Webster, who runs the Gedling Inn, introduced a promotion just 45 minutes before Nottingham Forest played Brighton on Saturday, offering a free pint to customers for every goal that the home team scored.
Nottingham Forest racked up its biggest win of the season, running away 7-0 winners, with Webster giving away over 300 pints.
She told the BBC: “Never in my wildest dreams did we imagine they’d score seven goals.
“I was upstairs feeding my baby when I heard the first goal go in, then the second quickly afterwards, and I had just come downstairs when the third went in – I thought ‘here we go’.”
Webster said the promotion had cost her close to £1,500, but she hoped to get some help from the brewery or even Nottingham Forest club owner Evangelos Marinakis.
Though Webster added: “Actually, if he came to visit, we would give him a free pint, he is doing such a great job.”
Despite the publicity the promotion had generated Webster said she was unlikely to repeat the offer. She added: “We will definitely do offers and deals for future matches, but I’m not sure it will be free pints for goals.”