Foxhills, the four-star, 70-bedroom hotel in Ottershaw, Surrey, which has been host to the British Cycling Team during the Olympics, has said that it is "saddened" by the theft of Bradley Wiggins's training kit from the hotel spa.
The news that Wiggins's kit had gone missing first came to light when the winner of the Tour de France posted on Twitter: "Watch your kit at the Foxhills spa there is a tea leaf about."
A statement issued by British Cycling later referred to the incident, which happened on Sunday at around 12.25pm when Wiggins used the hotel's gym and spa. "It seems an over-zealous fan has scored a fantastic London 2012 souvenir," it said.
Wiggins later tweeted: "Gotta delete tweet Re the thief, bad PR, never mind my kit though!"
Jo Oates, the marketing manager at the hotel, said: "Foxhills in no way condones theft; CCTV is in operation on the estate. Theft will be dealt with and supported 100% by Surrey Police should an incident occur and the guest or member wish to report it.
"Mr Wiggins did not use our secure digital lockers as recommended by spa staff and upon the unconfirmed incident occurring Mr Wiggins did not feel the need to report this to our staff upon departure.
"The club is saddened by this event and wishes the team good luck in their time trails today."
Privately owned by Marc Hayton, Foxhills was chosen 15 months ago to host the British Cycling Team as they prepared for the road race and time trail events being held nearby.
To celebrate the team's arrival, the hotel, which is located within a 400-acre estate, invested over £60,000 in the latest cycling equipment, including the addition of Watt Bikes, which provide a realistic experience of a road bike without leaving the gym. It has also redeveloped its spinning studio, which offers more than 10 classes a week, and runs a weekly cycling club.
The fame game - how celebrities can help your business >>
By Janet Harmer
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