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Scottish government plans to introduce vaccine passports for nightclub entry

The Scottish government is planning to require the use of vaccine passports for entry into nightclubs and some large public events from later this month.


First minister Nicola Sturgeon announced Covid status certification will be used for unseated indoor live events with more than 500 people in attendance and outdoor events with more than 4,000 people.


Any event attended by more than 10,000 people will also require a vaccine passport. There are currently no plans to require certification for the wider hospitality industry, but a Scottish government announcement said this would remain ‘under review’ into the autumn and winter months.


A vote on the plans will be held in the Scottish parliament next week, once all adults have had the opportunity to receive both doses of a vaccine.


Sturgeon said the changes were a necessary response to rising coronavirus cases in Scotland.


She added: “In addition to measures such as free testing and the installation of CO2 monitors in schools, we believe that a limited use of vaccine certification in certain higher risk settings, could help us to keep businesses open and prevent any further restrictions as we head into autumn and winter.”


UKHospitality Scotland executive director Leon Thompson said the announcement would cause ‘dismay’ amongst businesses that had only recently reopened. It was ‘extremely concerning’ the Scottish government had not engaged with the industry ahead of the announcement, Thompson added.


“Nightclubs and event organisers will be on the frontline of implementing this policy and representatives need an opportunity to ask questions of the Scottish Government’s plans before they are put to the Scottish Parliament for approval,” he said.


“Whilst the introduction of certification is envisaged as limited for now, if extended, the impact on wider hospitality could be immense. This cannot be the thin end of the wedge, especially when no evidence has been produced to indicate that nightclubs, events or indeed any other hospitality settings are responsible for the rising number of Covid-19 cases.”


Vaccine passports are also expected to be required for nightclub entry in England this autumn, with government expected to announce further detail in the coming weeks.


In July Various Eateries' director Hugh Osmond wrote to the health secretary outlining plans to take legal action if Covid-status certification becomes mandatory for nightclub entry.


Image: Radyukov Dima / Shutterstock



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