(Serves four or more)
For the onion fondue
1kg spring onions (white only)
50g lightly salted butter
1tbs olive oil
For the onion sorbet (enough for 20 portions)
1 litre water
90g atomised glucose
200g sugar
8g pink pectogel (pectin)
200g water
40g lemon juice
1/2 zest of half a lemon
1 litre fromage blanc
250g onion fondue
For the pea water
1kg shelled peas
1.5 litres mineral water
Gelatine leaves (see Method)
100g cooked peas
For the petits pois emulsion
1.8g lecithin
Salt to taste
250g pea water (see above)
To serve
12g caviar d'Aquitaine
For the onion fondue, shred onions and sweat (covered) in butter and olive oil. Cook till melting. Strain and chill.
To make the sorbet, assemble the first seven ingredients for the sorbet to make a syrup. Boil, chill, and add the fromage blanc. Combine 30g of this base with 250g onion fondue. Put in a Pacojet container to freeze.
For the petits pois, boil the peas till tender and refresh thoroughly. Liquidize with an equal volume of mineral water and some ice cubes. Add seven gelatine leaves dissolved per litre of mixture. Reserve.
To assemble, for each portion pour pea water into a small bowl and add some cooked peas. Leave to set.
Pacojet a portion of sorbet and use a half scoop to place on the jelly. Top with 3g caviar.
Emulsify the reserved pea water with lecithin and coat one side of the jellied pea broth with it.
by Anne-Sophie Pic
Photo by Lisa Barber (