The Hackney pub, known for its music-led events, has also hosted several kitchen residencies over the years
East London pub the Gun has closed with immediate effect after its landlords cited rising costs as the reason for its closure.
The Hackney pub, known for its music-led events, ceased trading yesterday (Sunday 16 March).
Landlords Nick Stephens and Hanna Sinclair Stephens opened the pub, trading under Locals Group, on Well Street in Hackney in summer 2014.
On the closure, Stephens said: “The Gun has faced many challenges over the years, and despite our very best efforts it has become unsustainable to continue trading. Locals Club would like to extend our warmest thanks to our loyal staff, locals and the many DJs who helped create such a special community at the pub.”
The Gun’s sister pub the Compton Arms in Islington continues to trade under Locals Group directed by landlords Stephens and Sinclair Stephens.
Stephens added: “We hope the future brings an opportunity for Locals Club to create another music-led pub in another location. For now, we’ll be focusing on our thriving Islington pub, the Compton Arms.”
The Gun, which retained its original Victorian features, featured a programme of DJ-led events, helping establish it as a budding music venue. The east London pub also played host to several kitchen residencies over the years, including modern Chinese food from Ling Ling’s.