The latest in the cheekily titled S&M Café chain is in Leadenhall market in the City. A traditional British café, it serves hearty portions of comfort food such as sausage and mash, shepherd's pie and toad-in-the-hole.
Opened 14 July
Owners Kevin Finch
Head chef Michael Hedges
Restaurant director Lisa Sandle
Designer SEA Design
Capacity 200
Food 14 varieties of gourmet sausage and mash, shepherd's pie, Cumberland toad-in-the-hole with minted or mushy peas or baked beans and house gravy and apple crumble.
Price from £2.95 for soup, £8.50 for mains and £28 for platters
Address 28 Leadenhall Market, London EC3V 1LR
Telephone 020 7626 6646