A bomb threat saw a Shrewsbury hotel evacuated for several hours yesterday evening, until police were satisfied the report had been a hoax.
West Mercia Police were called to the Lion hotel in Wyle Cop on Thursday evening and put a cordon in place, evacuating the hotel as well as surrounding businesses and private properties.
Shortly after midnight officers lifted the cordon and said they were “satisfied that the threat was not genuine and the area is safe”.
West Mercia Police said: “We would like to thank our officers and supporting emergency services for their help this evening, together with the patience and support of the local community.”
The Peach Tree restaurant in nearby Abbey Foregate stayed open to accommodate those displaced by the cordon. It wrote on social media: "To all affected by the evacuation in town, we have the heating on and we are open if you are at a loss of where to go at the moment. We will stay open until you are able to go home if needed.”
Picture: www.thelionhotelshrewsbury.com