Shropshire-based water supplier Wenlock Spring has announced a major sustainable switch to using bottles made with 50% recycled plastic content.
The UK does have the infrastructure to recycle plastic bottles repeatedly, however, our British plants donât have enough supply which means that only 65% of local authorities recycle plastic, which is why only 50% recycled plastic content is currently attainable.
As the nation recycles more and supply increases, Wenlock Spring intend to achieve bottles made from 100% recycled plastic.
Matthew Orme, director of Wenlock Spring, commented: "We simply cannot continue to let something that we use for minutes, pollute the environment for hundreds of years, especially when plastics are recyclable. We not only have a corporate responsibility at Wenlock Spring, but a responsibility to the generations to come. Reducing landfill should be an objective for everyone. We welcome a circular recycling process where plastic bottles are being remade and recycled again - and again.â
The new Wenlock Spring bottles will use 79% less energy to make than bottles made with new plastic. The company uses wholesalers for delivery to customers to reduce fuel consumption and improve efficiency. Wenlock Spring also recycle 99% of materials on site with 46% of energy on site from renewable sources.
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