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Promoted article: Seafood Week 5-12 October 2018

Seafood Week is an annual campaign aimed at getting more people to eat more fish, more often. Seafish runs the eight-day celebration every October and highlights the variety and quality of fish and shellfish on offer in the UK.


The campaign is co-ordinated by Seafish as a flexible platform for businesses and organisations from across the industry and throughout the supply chain to get involved. In 2015, Seafish appointed independent best value experts to estimate the worth of Seafood Week for industry. The result revealed that for every £1 Seafish spent (direct costs and staffing) the estimated return benefit of between £25 and £64.


Since 2015, sales and marketing efforts have grown year-on-year thanks to more and more organisations becoming involved.


Now in its fourth year since Seafish reintroduced Seafood Week back into the nation's calendar, the 2018 event will be bigger and better than before. Seafish is looking for even more new partnerships with major brands to join with existing supporters to make Seafood Week 2018 a great opportunity for the seafood industry. Businesses across the whole supply chain will be tempting consumers with great ways to buy, cook and dine out on great seafood choices, while also championing the nation - through their own marketing channels - to eat more seafood, more often.


Seafood Week will once again start with the popular social media campaign #fishpunday (5 October 2018) which will encourage the public to take part online, and give businesses the opportunity for their brands to be more visible to potential customers. A different species will be celebrated on each day of Seafood Week, with alternatives also promoted to ensure that consumers are made aware of the great choice and quality available in the UK.


If you would like to find out more about Seafood Week, take a look at our presentation.


Year on Year Growth of Seafood Week (2016 v 2017)
8.3% sales increase from £133 million to £143 million
85% uplift increase in media figures from 130 million to 240 million
8% uplift in web traffic from 56,705 to 61,433
25% uplift in social media twitter users from 6,767 to 8442


To find out how your business can get involved with Seafood Week, visit or contact Seafish's Marketing Manager Heather Middleton

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