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More than 11,000 sign petition to protect Cardiff’s Secret Garden Café

More than 11,000 people have signed a petition protesting that the Secret Garden Café site in Cardiff’s Bute Park is set to go out to tender.


The café, which is owned by Melissa Boothman and employs nine members of staff, has been served with a formal notice from Cardiff Council, which has said it is required to run a tender for the expired lease.


“We believe Cardiff Council and Bute Park should be supporting this amazing, sustainable, ethical, local, independent business by extending their lease without tender,” the petition said.


The council has agreed an interim arrangement so the café can remain open until September and said that if the operator puts in a successful bid, the café would continue to operate under the new arrangements.


“The Secret Garden Café has been part of the Bute Park community for five years and there’s no doubting the contribution it has made to the park in that time, however, the original tenancy has expired and come to an end, and a new form of management agreement and associated lease are now required,” said Cardiff Council’s cabinet member for culture, parks, and events, Jennifer Burke.


“While we appreciate the uncertainty it causes the existing operator, under the Council’s procurement rules, as governed by the constitution, a direct award cannot be made in these circumstances."


The procurement process for the new management agreement and associated lease is expected to commence on 5 June and the tender will be advertised to the market through Sell 2 Wales and the procurement portal, Proactis.


Burke said she would encourage the current cafe operator to make a bid so it could be considered alongside other potential operators.


“To be clear, the current operator is not being evicted but a formal Notice to Quit has been issued, as that is a legal requirement," added Burke.


“We’ll continue to talk with the current operator throughout this transition period and look forward to evaluating all bids received to manage the site, continue to offer access to toilets in the park, maintain the site's facilities and offering, for the enjoyment of visitors to Bute Park."


Image: GarethWilley / Shutterstock

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