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Kitchen Rat: Keeping the Wolf from the Door?

Keeping the Wolf from the Door?


Manchester’s Wilderness Bar + Kitchen this week announced it would be changing its name, just six weeks after opening.


The owners made the decision after discovering a Birmingham restaurant called Wilderness was already trading and serving up a similar concept, which the original described as “rock and roll fine dining”.


The owners heaped praise on their counterparts and changed the name to Wolf at the Door, avoiding any future Fernando’s-Nando’s style dispute.




Salad s-cream cupcakes


While the sky seems the limit when it comes to kitchen innovation these days, Heinz has reminded us that some things should never see the light of day.


It’s teamed up with Hummingbird Bakery to celebrate its 150th anniversary by creating five new cupcake flavours based on its classic condiments. Yes, that’s right – until 20 October you can buy tomato ketchup, baked beans, salad cream, mayonnaise and cream of tomato soup-flavoured cupcakes.




So much for a revolutionary


Just a month after widespread disdain met Marco Pierre White’s assertion that gender imbalance in the kitchen is due to women being more emotional than men and unable to carry heavy pans, Heston Blumenthal decided to plant his own flag on the hill of ridiculous and demeaning stereotypes.


The creator of snail porridge told India’s The Economic Times: “I have always employed female chefs, but historically and ultimately, the body clock starts working. It’s evolution, and it is one thing to have a 9-5 job and quite another to be a chef with kids. So, that makes it difficult. [The physical strain of lifting] Heavy pots and pans.”


For someone acclaimed for smashing through convention, it seems Blumenthal is currently unable to see past some antiquated views that have no place in the industry in 2019.


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